Concrete Look

Concrete look is an acrilyc siloxane decorative coating that enables to obtain surfaces with a strong character of solidity and concreteness typical of the “fair-face” concrete. The acrylic binder, associated with the siloxane component, ensures CONCRETE LOOK a high surface hardness, good breathability and resistance to rain water.

Concrete look gives surfaces the solid, tactile, appearance of the naturally aged cement, creating a modern settings of refined underground atmosphere, while outdoor it becomes the protagonist of the facades.

The formulation is adaptable to the various requirements of modern building. Indoor is indicated in the commercial and residential areas, where is possible to reproduce on any wall the effects of the concrete “washout”, “formwork”, “smoothed” following the canons of the contemporary style of interior design.

Outdoor are achievable effects like “fine smoothed” and “medium smoothed” aesthetic solutions in terms of weather resistant.
